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Our Board

Our board is comprised of social studies professionals representing the spectrum current and former of social studies educators from K - University as well as related fields like museum educators, content specialists, and relevant organizations. As a board we are committed to ensuring that educators across the state of Maine are represented.

We are a volunteer citizen board and members are chosen for three year terms. Executive officers are voted upon by the full membership at our annual meeting which occurs during our conference each year.  While our member come from many different school districts, institutions and organizations their work on the board is not done on behalf of those organizations unless by previous arrangement. 

President Message

Dennis Edmondson

MCSS President
April 2026

Board of Directors

Executive Officers: Dennis Edmonson, president

                  Kathleen Kneumann, president-elect

   Michelle Strattard, secretary

Donna Olsen, treasurer

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Contact Us at

Maine Council for the Social Studies is an affiliate council with the National Council for the Social Studies 

Maine Council for the Social Studies is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 618

Westbrook, ME 04092


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